- Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in Canadian women over the age of 20.
- 1 in 8 women in Canada, is likely to develop breast cancer in her lifetime: the rate in NWT is higher, approximately 1 in 3 cancers.
- The chance of getting breast cancer increases with age: for women under 30 years the chance is about 1 in 2500; under 50 years it is 1 in 50; by age 80 it is 1 in 10.
- 88% of breast cancer cases are in women over the age of 50.
- Men can also get breast cancer (although this is rare).
- Globally, breast cancer has overtaken lung cancer as the most diagnosed cancer.
For more information about:
Breast cancer research, check out theĀ Breast Cancer Society of Canada.
Cancer in NWT, including breast cancer, see Lets Talk About Cancer.
Global cancer rates can be found at the World Health Organization.