Breasts come in many different shapes, sizes and colours. Some women have naturally “lumpy” breasts and many women find their breasts change at different times of the month. It is common for one breast to be larger than the other. There is no such thing as a standard normal breast.
Know What is Normal for YOUR Breasts
It is important for you to know what is normal for YOUR breasts. Get to know your breasts like you know your face and the backs of your hands.
If you know how your breasts usually look and feel, you are more likely to notice changes that show something might be wrong. When you notice any change in your breasts, make an appointment with your healthcare provider immediately.
Breast Health Caring for Yourself
A booklet for understanding your breasts, breast health and awareness of changes to you breasts.
Click to download the PDF booklet
Breast Changes
If you notice any changes to your breast, do not delay. Have them checked by your healthcare provider as soon as possible.
Possible Signs of Breast Cancer:
- A change in the shape or size of one breast
- A lump in the breast or the underarm area
- A change in the appearance of the skin on the breast or the areola (area around the nipple)
- Nipple tenderness
- Nipple turning inwards
- A nipple that appears dry or has flaky, peeling skin
- Blood or other discharge from the nipple
Breast Lumps
In most cases, cancer in the breast grows as a lump known as a tumour. It is important to know, three-quarters of breast lumps are NOT cancer. Breast cancer does not always grow or present as a lump. The only way to be sure whether a change is cancer is to get it checked out by a health professional. This way you will know if you don’t have to worry or, if it is cancer, treatment can be started before the disease gets more difficult to treat.
A change in your body that shows you might be unwell is called a ‘symptom’. Some women notice one or more symptoms of possible cancer, but they don’t realize they may be in danger because they feel healthy.